Top 7 Plants for Healthy Indoor Air Quality

Top 7 Plants for Healthy Indoor Air Quality

Oct 21, 2022Mustufa Khan

Indoor plants have the capability to turn any dull and boring space into an esthetically pleasing one, who else isn't aware of the power of these beautiful plants? But, the benefits of adding some houseplants to your space are not limited to beautification. Some plants are unique in their own way, they make your space more restful and inviting, and more importantly, they cleanse indoor air, allowing you to breathe fresh, and feel amazing! So, here we've got you covered with a list of the top 7 plants that are known to purify indoor air.

Spider plant

One of the most recognizable air-purifying indoor plants. spider plants offer countless benefits. They are extremely popular and it shouldn't be a surprise if you find one of these striped-leaved beauties tucked away somewhere. These plants are known to remove formaldehyde, toluene, and xylene all the harmful chemicals found in many synthetic fabrics. Moreover, they help in lowering carbon monoxide levels.

Snake plant

A snake after a spider! Snake plants are also highly effective at eliminating airborne formaldehyde, xylene, trichloroethylene, nitrogen oxide, benzene, and harmful chemicals that can be found in synthetic carpets. They are known to make any space very restful, a perfect bedroom plant, you can also place them on the windowsill or side table. These plants grow slowly and can fight low-light conditions.

Aloe vera

An effective plant that is known to absorb VOCs that can be found in newly laid flooring, they produce oxygen at night and take in carbon dioxide, making aloe vera a perfect bedroom plant. The fleshy leaves absorb and store water, allowing the plant to cope with less than regular watering. They need constant warmth and are the perfect choice to purify indoor air.

Black rubber plant

They can add a touch of elegance to your space, thanks to their large glossy leaves. These plants absorb and break down harmful chemicals in the air, take in carbon dioxide, and convert it to oxygen. When these plants grow actively, it is advisable to apply liquid fertilizer, and water them regularly.

Philodendron Micans Plant

Also known as “Sweetheart Philodendron”, they can beautify any space with their dark moss-green leaves in the shape of a heart. These houseplants are known to help reduce stress levels, and they create restful space, making them a perfect choice as bedroom plants. The plant is easy to grow, and it may ask for 6 to 8 hours of natural sunlight in a day.

Fittonia Green Plant

The indoor plant with a unique look, it has radiant green leaves with silvery veins, a perfect option for those who want to enhance the look and feel of their space with indoor plants. The plant is easy to care for, low maintenance and is known to reduce dryness in the air. You can feel free to place them in your kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, balcony, or even in your office.

Purify your indoor air with houseplants

Hope this list will help you make the right decision, choose the plants that best fit your needs and the plants will help cleanse and purify indoor air.

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