Cancellation & Refund Policy
Cancellation Policy:
- Shipped orders aren’t eligible for cancellation.
- Orders not shipped within 3 days from the order date are eligible for cancellation.
- If the order is similar to the last order, it is eligible for cancellation.
- Any order placed by mistake is eligible for cancellation.
If the received product differs in quantity, it is eligible for cancellation.(Note: Items which are not delivered to the customer eligible for cancellation)
Refund Policy:
- If the customer receives a damaged replacement plant, they are eligible for a refund upon image verification of the replacement.
- If a replacement plant arrives damaged, kindly provide a photo of it in the temporary pot to claim a refund.
- If the customer receives incorrect item(s), they are entitled to a refund.
- If any item(s) are missing from the package, the customer is eligible for a refund upon image or video verification.
- If an item(s) is marked as Return to Origin (RTO) for any reason, the customer is eligible for a refund.
- If the customer has not received the items, but the courier has marked them as delivered, they may request a refund following verification by the courier. The customer must report the issue to our support team within 7 days.
- If the planter is found to have visible scratches or is broken, we will promptly initiate a refund for the item upon image or video verification.
- If few items are missing or received empty box, we require a video of the package being opened to initiate a refund.