With spinach-shaped leaves, lacy edges, and green colour; Aralia Green is an indoor plant native to India. In traditional medicine, its leaves were used as anti-inflammatory tonics. However, this practice is not prevalent anymore. This is the perfect plant to add greenery to your home and office decor.
An easy-to-grow houseplant with pretty foliage is what describes Aralia Green. It requires bright indirect sunlight to thrive. It should be watered once a day in summer and every 2-3 days in winter. Repotting should be done once every 1-2 years during the spring season.
Aralia Green is prone to infections caused by overwatering and lack of sunlight. This can cause pest infestations which affects the roots and leaves of the plant. Although Aralia Green is considered non-toxic to pets, it is advised to ensure that your furry friends don’t ingest any part of this plant.
Underwatering can lead to brown and crisp leaves. This can also be a sign of sunburn.
Why is there a foul smell coming from the soil?
Foul-smelling soil is an indication of root rot. This can be due to overwatering which causes waterlogged soil, one of the main reasons for root rot.
Why is there no new growth?
Unfavorable environment, inadequate watering, and sunlight can adversely affect the growth of the Aralia Green Plant. It can also be caused due to lack of nutrients in the soil.
Size me up
The approximate width of the foliage is 12-16 cm
The approximate height of the plant is 10-15 cm
The height of the self-watering pot is 12.5 cm
The diameter of the self-watering pot is 8 cm