A Fittonia Pink Plant, also known as the “Pink Angel”, has the ability to restore moisture content, hence reducing dryness in the air. This is beneficial for anyone suffering from respiratory problems such as asthma. Fittonia Pink has attractive foliage of green leaves with lovely pink veins that make it a great decor option for your indoor space. The fusion of pink with green is ideal to adorn your living room, bedroom, bathroom, and other indoor spaces.
The Fittonia Pink plant has the reputation of being a drama queen. Do you know why that is? Because it has a likelihood of wilting when it needs water. It perks up once it is watered. To stay clear of any drama, water your Pink Angel every 3-4 days in summer and once every 2 weeks in winter. It should be kept in low indirect sunlight to avoid discoloration of leaves. Repotting should be done on an annual basis during early spring or summer.
Fittonia Pink can come across some problems. In drier environments, the plant can develop mildew on the leaves. If that happens, it is best to trim off the infected part and keep the rest of the plant in a humid environment. Fittonia Green is non-toxic to pets. Although, measures should still be taken to avoid ingestion of this plant.
Fittonia Plants can be dramatic at times. Lack of water can cause the plant to collapse or faint. It will be back to its original state with a splash of water.
Why are the leaves discolored?
If the Fittonia Plant does not get enough water or sunlight, it can cause discoloration of the leaves.
Why are the leaves turning yellow?
The yellowing of leaves can be due to overwatering of the plant.
Size me up
The approximate width of the foliage is 2-3 Inch
The approximate height of the plant is 3-5 Inch
The height of the self-watering pot is 4.5 Inch
The diameter of the self-watering pot is 3.7 Inch