Cryptanthus Plant

Cryptanthus Plant

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Cryptanthus Plant

Cryptanthus Plant

Regular price ₹299
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Grow in bright indoors or shaded outdoors
Water Every 7-10 days in summer and every 10-20 days in winter
Keep in moderate to bright indirect sunlight
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Cryptanthus, commonly known as Earth Star or Starfish Plant, is a genus of tropical plants that belongs to the Bromeliaceae family.

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About The Cryptanthus Plant

My compact, rosette-shaped form is reminiscent of a jewel, with each leaf a precious gemstone that sparkles with its own unique beauty. But don't be fooled by my delicate appearance - I am a survivor, thriving in even the harshest of conditions with its tough, water-storing leaves and resilient spirit.

Tough on the Outside, Stunning on the Inside

If you're looking for a plant that is both beautiful and resilient, look no further than the Cryptanthus. This stunning rosette-shaped plant is a true gem, with its vibrant colours and unique patterns that make it stand out in any setting. But beyond its aesthetic appeal, the Cryptanthus is also a survivor, able to withstand harsh conditions and thrive in even the toughest environments.

While the Cryptanthus is a hardy plant, it still requires proper care to thrive. These plants prefer bright, indirect light. Avoid direct sunlight, which can scorch their leaves. Use a well-draining soil mix, as they do not like to be in wet soil for extended periods of time. A mix of peat moss, perlite, and sand works well.

Overwatering or poor drainage can lead to root rot, which can cause the plant's leaves to turn brown and mushy. To avoid this, ensure the soil is well-draining and allow the soil to dry out slightly between waterings. Mealybugs and spider mites can be a problem for Cryptanthus plants. Check the plant regularly for any signs of infestation and treat with an appropriate insecticide if necessary.

Size me up

The approximate width of the foliage is 5-8 Inch
The approximate height of the plant is 2-4 Inch
The height of the self-watering pot is 4.5 Inch
The diameter of the self-watering pot is 3.7 Inch

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Kyari: A family of plant lovers!

Two things that make Kyari family different, are our love for plants and gardening, and a team full of passion for adding life to any indoor space. On the other hand, Kyari is loved for quality, our homegrown plants get utmost care and attention so that they live a long life, and add a touch of elegance to your space.

Self Watering

The way self-watering pots work is a phenomenon known as “capillary action,” or “wicking.”  They use sub-irrigation to deliver water directly to plant roots with the help of a water reservoir at the bottom of the planter, enabling the plant to drink at its own pace.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I care for my Cryptanthus plant?

Cryptanthus plants prefer bright, indirect light, well-draining soil, and a humid environment. Water when the soil is dry to the touch and avoid overwatering. Use a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer once a month during the growing season.

Why are the leaves on my Cryptanthus plant turning brown?

Brown leaves can be a sign of several issues, including overwatering, underwatering, direct sunlight, or pests. Check the plant's care conditions and adjust as necessary.

Is the Cryptanthus plant toxic to pets?

While Cryptanthus is not toxic to pets, it's still best to keep it out of reach to avoid any accidental ingestion.


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Manufactured By : Select Brands International Pvt. Ltd. 1104, Skye Earth Corporate Park AB Rd Indore, Madhya Pradesh 452010

Marketed By : Select Brands International Pvt. Ltd. 1104, Skye Earth Corporate Park AB Rd Indore, Madhya Pradesh 452010

Country of Origin -India

Peperomia Green Plant

Peperomia Green Plants are popular choices for people of all ages. Known for their variety of sizes, shapes, and colours, these low-maintenance plants are famous for their soothing presence in households. Just like betel (Piper betel L) leaves, which are generally considered outdoor plants, Peperomia green plants belong to the Piperaceae family. Yet they're a completely different species. 
Unlike betel, Peperomia prefers indirect sunlight, and they should be watered when the soil has already drained of water. These stunning indoor plants make a difference in the decor of your house. You can get these green plants, which are native to different regions and countries, from our website. You can find many varieties of Peperomia at our store.

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There are many variants of these plants, such as Peperomia obtusifolia, Peperomia caperata, Peperomia rotundifolia, variegated peperomia like Peperomia argyreia, Marble Peperomia, etc.

Peperomia Green Plant Benefits

These beautiful plants offer several benefits for households other than enhancing the indoor space. Here are some of the Peperomia plant benefits among many. 

Air Purification: These green show plants help remove harmful chemicals such as ammonia and formaldehyde, making your indoors cleaner and healthier. 

Low maintenance: If you are a beginner or have less time to look after the plants, peperomia is the one for you. It is known for being easy to care for. They don't need frequent watering or direct sunlight. 

Stress buster: Researchers have found that green plants can reduce stress. Plan to have a peperomia on your work desk, at the corner of your house, or in your room for a calm and relaxing ambience.

Aesthetics: The different shaped, sized, and coloured foliage of these green show plants change the visual aspects of any space. Place your preferred peperomia at any corner of your house, and you will see the difference. 

Child and pet-friendly: If you are worried about placing a plant because of your little one and furry member, worry not. According to the researchers, peperomia is non-toxic to children and pets.

Where to Place the Peperomia Green Plant at home? 

While placing Peperomia, one should consider the right amount of bright yet indirect sunlight and temperature. Here are some specific locations where your plant can grow.

The classic spot for Peperomia is definitely on shelves or a desk beside a window where the plant gets the right amount of light without the risk of scorching. These plants also thrive on bathroom shelves or in a terrarium where they get the perfect amount of humid and indirect sunlight. 

Remember not to place these green plants under direct sunlight on a windowsill or in dark corners of the house that barely get any light. Also, avoid placing them near radiators or air conditioners.

How to Grow and Care for Peperomia Green Plant?

Peperomia doesn't need high maintenance. With a little care, these green show plants thrive for a long time. Here’s the guide on how to care for your Peperomia plant. 

Light: Peperomia doesn’t need direct sunlight, which can scorch the leaves. Place the plant where there is ample indirect sunlight, like on a shelf or a table near a window.

Watering: Peperomia plants are drought-tolerant succulents. Do not overwater the soil. Examine the soil by sticking a finger into it about an inch deep; if you feel it's dry, that's when you water it. Remember to soak the soil thoroughly until the excess water drains from the drainage holes.

Soil: You can choose a potting mix specially formulated for cacti and succulents. This prevents waterlogging inside the soil. If you want, you can also combine regular potting mix with perlite or orchid bark for added drainage. Additionally, do not forget to choose a slightly larger pot that has drainage holes so that the root ball is sufficient. 

Temperature: Peperomia plants prefer a temperature of 18°- 24° C and tolerate average household humidity levels. So make sure to place the plant under bright yet indirect sunlight, or you can group your plant with other plants to maintain the surrounding humidity.

Fertilizer: You can fertilize your Peperomia during spring and summer. It's there growing time. Make sure to choose a balanced liquid fertilizer which is diluted to half strength, as they are not heavy feeders. Fertilizing your plant once a month is enough.

Diseases and Pest Prevention for Peperomia Green Plant

Peperomia is quite immune to disease and pests. But there are a few things to be careful about. Diseases like Root Rot, Fungal Leaf spots, Ring spots and pests like Mealybugs, Spider Mites, and Fungus Gnats mostly affect Peperomia. To prevent pests and diseases, here are some general tips for Peperomia plant care

  1. Quarantine a new plant for a few weeks to make sure it's pest and disease-free so that the other plants in your collection don't get affected. 
  2. Don’t forget to inspect your plant regularly. The sooner the problems are identified, the easier they will be treated.
  3. Follow the proper guidelines for watering, light and fertilizing your plants. It will keep your plant healthy and pest, and disease-free. 

FAQs on Peperomia Green Plant

1) Is the Peperomia Green Plant a good indoor plant?

Yes, being versatile and low-maintenance, Peperomia is a great choice to add a little greenery to indoor space.

2) How much sunlight does the Peperomia Green Plant need?

The Peperomia Green Plant doesn't need direct sunlight. It generally prefers bright, indirect sunlight.

3) How often should I water my Peperomia Green Plant?

Water your Peperomia Green Plant only when the soil feels completely dry when you touch it.